What is Veneer?

Dental veneer is an ultra-thin shell of tooth-colored porcelain or composite that is cemented over the facial surfaces of your teeth to solve dental issue, such as:

  • worn tooth enamel
  • uneven tooth alignment or spacing
  • genetic (pegshaped tooth),
  • tooth discoloration, and
  • chips or cracks.

Veneer can be made ofย  composite / emax / porcelain. Composite veneers can be constructed directly onto the teeth.

Tooth Be Told!โ€‹

Dental veneers are well known nowadays among celebrity to have a Hollywood smile. Hollywood stars like Tom Cruise, Ben Affleck, Nicholas Cage, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Celine Deon and Miley Cyrus used veneers procedure to perfect their smiles on-stage and off. โ€‹

How Long Does A Veneer Last?

It is reasonable to expect lifespan of the treatment between 10-20 years of service.

Ready To Transform Your Precious Smile?

It is suggested that the patient needs consultation from the dentist (for sure from us ๐Ÿ™‚ ) whether he/she indicated or not for this treatment because it is irreversible (removal of tooth).

Post Operative Care:

  • Maintain good oral hygiene
  • Avoid any hard food (for a temporary of time)